Radio Commercial Campaign

Radio Commercial Campaign

Combining Multiple Promotions For Maximum Exposure!

Dear Friend,

If you are trying to promote anything positive or gospel related, then you’ve come to the right place! You have finally connected with a system that is dedicated to those who love anything gospel including concerts, events, ministry, websites, social pages and news as well as everyday products and information that will help them.

Regardless of what your are promoting or presenting to the public if you don’t get your offer out in front of thousands of people, then it’s hard to get the results you want.

They say word of mouth advertising works the best but how long would it take for you and your small circle of friends to get the word out to the masses? That long huh…

What if a couple hundred people spoke about your offer to their small circle of friends? You would now have a few hundred people all speaking about your offer via word of mouth to their own small circle of friends spreading the word about it.

That’s what massive advertising can help you do and the Gospel Business Marketing Bundle will get the word out to masses of people everyday for 30 days or more! It is something you must add to your marketing campaign budget.

Every Business Marketing Promotion Need These 7 Crucial Elements

  • Your Promotion Needs To Be Seen Several Times Before People Can Connect With It…
  • Your Promotion Needs To Be Heard Several Times Before It Registers In A Person’s Mind…
  • Your Promotion Needs To Have A Clear And Straight To Point Message…
  • Your Promotion Needs To Grab A Person’s Attention…
  • Your Promotion Needs To Brand What You Are Promoting…
  • Your Promotion Must Have A Direct Call-To-Action…
  • Your Promotion Must Be In As Many Places As Possible For Maximum Exposure…

Radio Interview

Listen To Our Clients!

Actual testimonials!

Here’s What This Aggressive Business Marketing Bundle Includes!

A 60 Second Radio Commercial

Promoted On WNIA Gospel Radio & Synergy1Radio

This is an awesome promotion that includes your radio commercial being played on two popular online gospel radio stations everyday, at least 2+ times a day up to 30 days! This means that everyday people with our mobile apps, people at work tuned in, and people from around the world at various times in the day will hear your offer! But it gets even better than that! Every time your ad runs, it will be tweeted at the exact same time to over 25,000 thousand followers! Giving your ad the social advantage over ordinary radio ads! This alone is well worth the cost of this promotion! Don’t have a 60 second radio ad? You can order your radio ad from our preferred voice talent!

Powerful Twitter Banner Promotion

Promoted To Over 25,000 Twitter Followers!

Banner advertisement is still one of the most used techniques for promoting anything! The goal of the banner is to catch the eye’s attention and then the message on the banner should give benefits of your product or service followed by an action to take. Your banner will be placed published to Twitter EVERY TIME your ad runs!. Banner size should be 800×500 pixels in size for best results. Banner formats accepted are jpg or gif only.

Coverage Across 2 Separate Online Stations!

Promoted On Synergy1Radio & WNIA Gospel Radio

Your product, service or event is promoted across two separate independently owned and operated radio stations! Giving your promotion double the exposure!

Each station has it’s own demographics, listeners and social media followers.

As you can clearly see, combining all three of these highly popular promotions into one massive gospel marketing promotion will get you traffic to your website, blog or sales page. It will get your product name and information into the eyes and ears of thousands of people. The best part is that these people, visitors and social followers are people who love everything gospel!

This Is An Awesome Business Marketing Opportunity!

Two leading online gospel radio stations have teamed up to provide you with some of the best marketing and promotional tools available for your gospel and business promotions covering gospel radio, banner advertising and social marketing.

Promote your church, concert, book, new website, Itunes page, Amazon listing, church event, conferences, Facebook fan page, affiliate products and more!


Get the word out about your new website, product, ministry conferences, church anniversary, musical concerts, theatrical plays, book release, CD release party, T-shirts, hats and more!

Get Started Now!

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